Collaborative Video Project (CVP)

Information Communication Technology (ICT) allows students to engage in collaborative projects in various ways. Collaborative learning promotes teamwork through a shared goal and a process for achieving that goal. Joint problem solving, active research and inquiry, negotiating and sharing, are methods used in collaborative projects to achieve curriculum standards often through a social process.

The International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) is an organization comprised of over 30,000 schools in more than 140 countries. Their Collaboration Center provides projects and a website for connecting teachers and students worldwide to participate in projects that meet their curriculum needs.

The purpose of the Collaborative Video Project is to allow students from Kansai University and the University of Hawaii to collaborate inter-culturally to produce a short web-based video that shares stories about social media use in their countries or regions. Through a Google+ community, students will share their videos and engage in a cross-cultural discussion comparing and contrasting technology use.

Performance Objective
Participants will produce a short (no more than 3 minutes, shorter is better) video addressing a common theme through video segments, pictures, graphics, text, narration and/or music and publish it on YouTube.

1. Form project teams consisting of Japanese and Hawaii students.
2. Meet online to select a theme for your video. Suggested themes:
  • Mobile phones and social media.
  • My favorite things to do when I am online
  • How social networking has changed my life
  • Examples of how I use Twitter or microblogging
  • Web 2.0 tools that I can’t do without
  • Or, select another relevant topic that appeals to your team
3. Determine how your team will communicate (email, Google, Facebook, Skype, Twitter, etc.)
5. Create a timeline (what you will accomplish and by when) for the project.
4. Create a title and short description (treatment) of the video.
6. Create a storyboard.
7. Shoot and edit video.
8. Combine Japan and Hawaii videos into a single maximum 3-minute video

Oct 14 - Complete document that includes team name, members, group's timeline and communication plan. Post to Google+ (G+) CVP community.
Oct 21 - Submit project title, brief description and a project storyboard to G+ community.
Oct 28 - Progress report #1 to G+ community.
Nov 4 - Progress report #2 to G+ community.
Nov 11 - Upload video to YouTube, post link to G+ community.
Nov 11 - Individually, post comments about videos in Google+ community.
Nov 17 - Share collaborative project experience in a 10-minute oral team reflection.
Nov 24 - Post personal reflection of project experience to your blog.

Note: Tuesday was chosen for due dates because the Kansai University class meets on Wednesday evenings, from 6-8 pm Japan time which corresponds to Tuesday at 11 pm-1 am Hawaii time. Japan is ahead by 19 hours.

A three (3) minute (or shorter) video that equally combines the work of both Japan and Hawaii students in addressing a theme related to social media.

1. Participate and complete a 10-minute oral team reflection during a videoconference with Japanese students.
2. Individually, write and post a substantive and relevant blog post that reflects upon your own experience, including suggestions for improving this practice.

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